Data virtualization

The data and infrastructure of companies are constantly evolving. As a consequence, business data always remains distributed across multiple systems and locations, whether in hybrid or multi-cloud environments. Denodo Platform offers a logical approach to data integration and management.

Logically integrate, manage and deliver your data.

Denodo Platform: leader in data management


Even faster than a ETL


Months of return of investment


Time reduction in data preparation

What is data virtualization?

Data virtualization is presented as the main solution for modern data management, as it provides a single point of access to all business data without the need to move it to a centralized repository.

Check in this video how data works and how it can make a difference in your company.

Denodo Platform

What is Denodo?

Denodo Platform is the industry's only data integration and management platform that offers the capabilities needed to build a data fabric, data mesh or data hub powered by data virtualization. Denodo provides:

A common semantic layer to quickly expose data to the business.
A dynamic data catalog for search.
An acceleration of queries with the support of machine leaning.
Automated infrastructure management for multi-cloud and hybrid scenarios.
Better privacy and compliance.
Greater automation of data management processes helps avoid vendor lock-in.
Logical strategy

Agile business data-driven

Data virtualization maximizes the value of data assets to organizations by abstracting complexity and enabling greater productivity:

Quick and real-time access to all your data.

Flexible data delivery and management.

End-to-end visibility.

Discovery and self-service access to data with governance and security.

We transform slow and inefficient processes into intelligent and valuable information windows.

Denodo is a technology leader in data virtualization, delivering high-level data integration and data abstraction from a diverse range of unstructured, structured, big data, and cloud data sources. It also provides real-time data services at half the cost of traditional solutions.
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